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Foster Road Baptist is active in our community. Check out what service opportunities we organize.

The best way to connect and grow within the body of Christ is to develop relationships with other church members. The best way to do that is to join one of our small groups.
NURSERYNursery is provided for children birth through age three during Sunday Worship Services (9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 5:00 p.m.) The nursery is open during most church sponsored activities.
CHILDREN'S CLASSESThere is a Sunday School class for everyone. Sunday School starts at 9:30 a.m. The Nursery/Pre K Department meet in the building next to the Sanctuary. K-12th Grade meet in the classrooms in the back Sunday School Building. Please join us as we learn from the Bible Stories we study each week to find out how they apply to our lives even today. Our prayer is to give the children a safe and nurturing environment with an opportunity to learn to follow Christ Jesus.
THE SEEKERS (Youth)This class is for our youth from 6th grade to 12th. FRBC seeks to honor God by providing a balanced program of spiritual education for our teenagers. Our mission is to support parents’ spiritual training of their children by providing opportunities for each child to: Gain the necessary foundation to know Christ as a personal Savior. Grow in their knowledge of God, Jesus Christ, the Bible, and the church. Identify practical ways they can go into their “world” serving others and sharing the love of Jesus.
LADIES 2This is a Ladies Sunday School Class. We meet together each week to study God’s Word and participate in various mission projects and church ministries.
ADULT CLASSESIn addition to our Young Adult class we also have two other adult classes. The Ladies Class consists of ladies of different ages that study God’s Word together each week, support local and foreign missionaries, participate in various mission projects throughout the year and strive to develop and encourage the body of Christ in their daily walk with God. Our Men’s Class consists of men of various ages that study God’s Word each week together and strive to grow and minister to each other and to the FRBC congregation as a whole.
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